Eco Advantage Pest Control - San Luis Obispo County, Santa Barbara County, Santa Maria, Central Coast, Nipomo, Arroyo Grande, SLO


Scorpions are relatives of spiders, mites, and ticks and  feed on a variety of insects, including spiders. These Prehistoric arachnids like to stay hidden and wait for nesting insects to crawl into there dark harborage areas, like rocks or wood piles.

Striped bark scorpions are one of the most common species of scorpion that invade homes in our area.  Adults are light brown to brownish-yellow in color. They have two broad, dark, lengthwise bands on the surface of the abdomen. They also have a dark triangular shape on the front portion of their head. Bark scorpions use their pincers to capture and hold onto their prey. At the end of the abdomen, they have a telson – a bulb-shaped, tail-like structure. The telson contains venom glands and a sharp, curved stinger on its end that delivers the venom they use to paralyze their prey. The tail is longer in the males than the females.